Autistic & Neurodiverse United Association of Behavior Analysis
Adopted xx/xx/2022
Article I—Name: ANU-ABA = Autistic & Neurodiverse United Association of Behavior Analysts.
The name of this organization shall be ANU-ABA, the Autistic & Neurodiverse United Association of Behavior Analysis. It is chartered and does exist as a non-profit corporation in and under the laws of the State of Florida. This document shall serve as an addendum to any and all previous
Article II—Mission
The Autistic & Neurodiverse United Association of Behavior Analysis (ANU-ABA) was initiated in 2022 to promote the use of only effective and humane behavior analytic procedures in ABA Therapy for Autistics in educational and clinical settings, including both private and public sectors in America and abroad.
Association goals include amplifying and attending to Autistic and Neurodiverse voices in ABA and Special Education; upholding, encouraging, and promoting only ethical practices and treatments; providing high quality continuing education; and promoting research, service, and legislation that supports Autistics and Neurodivergent people providing and receiving Applied Behavior Analysis services. The association will serve a two-fold purpose in connecting providers and companies with invaluable services, guidance, and connections with Autistic and Neurodiverse ABA providers.
ANU-ABAs core autistic and neurodiverse leadership will serve as a means of providing recognition to ABA firms as “Autistic Approved” so long as they commit to aligning themselves with ANU-ABAs current requirements to receive such recognition.
Article III—Purpose of the Bylaws
These bylaws are created to assist in the effective and efficient governance of ANU-ABA. These bylaws are subject to the higher authority of relevant statutes adopted by the Florida state legislature, as well as any other documents or bylaws which shall and do rule as final authorities over these ANU-ABA bylaws. All members of the ANU-ABA Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as BoD, ANU-ABA Board, or Board) and association members are to operate in conjunction and in compliance with these bylaws.
Article IV - ANU-ABA Membership
Membership is open to all persons interested in or actively engaged in teaching, research, and/or the application of the principles and procedures of behavior analysis, although an emphasis is placed on those with Autism or Neurodiversity.
The Association does not and will not discriminate the granting of memberships to persons on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, national origin, or creed.
Categories of Membership:
Membership shall be in one of six categories:-
a. Professional Behavior Analysts:
This category includes individuals certified as a Florida CBA, BCaBA, BCBA, LBA, or BCBA-D. Members in this category are voting members and may run for positions on the ANU-ABA BoD. -
b. Professional, Other:
This category includes any degree-holding person employed full- or part-time, including professionals with licenses and/or credentials other than those provided by the BACB. This includes, but is not limited to Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers and other similar professions. Members in this category are nonvoting and may not run for elected positions. -
c. Paraprofessional:
This category includes Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs), direct care staff, paraprofessional staff who spend the majority of their working time implementing behavior programs and/or strategies. -
d. Student Member:
This category is for any individual pursuing formal training in the discipline of behavior analysis but not gainfully employed on at least a half-time basis. Members in this category are nonvoting and may not run for elected positions. -
e. Parent:
This category is for parents, family members or guardians of individuals who are recipients of behavioral services. -
f. Sustaining:
Members who are able to provide substantial financial support to ANU-ABA beyond the required level. Their support is greatly appreciated. Members in this category are voting members and may run for positions on the ANU-ABA BoD.
Good Standing:
To remain an active member in good standing, an individual must pay annual association dues. -
The ANU-ABA Board may establish a minimum annual membership fee for active members and may establish differential fees dependent upon the level of membership (i.e., professional, student, etc.). -
Each active Professional and Sustaining member shall be entitled to one vote on some matters brought before the Association as determined relevant by the BoD. There shall be no proxy voting. At the discretion of the Board, voting may occur electronically through a secure online portal/forum, postal mail, or during the Business Meeting of the annual conference. It is the responsibility of those with voting privileges to maintain updated email contact information with the Association and to remain vigilant of voting notices. All voting privileges must be exercised within the designated period stated in the voting notification. At two-thirds majority of voting members present at time of voting is needed to change bylaws, and a simple majority for elections and other issues. -
Application for Membership:
Persons desiring to apply for membership in the The Autistic & Neurodiverse United Association of Behavior Analysts shall submit a completed application form and dues according to the procedures outlined at
Article V—ANU-ABA Board of Directors
ANU-ABA Board of Directors:
The BoD consists of officers of the association who shall oversee and assist with business operations of the association. The ANU-ABA Board shall include the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. Additionally, between zero and ten members-at-large as determined by the BoD on an annual basis by vote according to need. -
Terms of Office:
All elected positions on the ANU-ABA Board will last either one, two, or three years, as determined by the BoD on an annual basis by vote according to need. The terms of office for the elected BoD positions are described below.-
The term of office of the President shall be one or two years to commence at the annual business meeting. -
Vice President:
The term of office of the Vice-President shall be one or two years to commence at the annual business meeting. -
The Secretary shall be appointed by the ANU-ABA Board for a one, two, or three-year term and shall not be restricted as to succession. -
The treasurer shall be appointed by the ANU-ABA Board for a one, two, or three-year term and shall not be restricted as to succession. -
These ANU-ABA Board members shall serve one, two, or three-year terms and cannot serve successive terms; however, they can be elected into different BoD positions at any point during their term or after their term. The number of positions available for the members-at-large will be determined by the ANU-ABA BoD and may be increased or decreased with Board approval to accommodate membership fluctuations or other needs of the association. Voting status of members shall be determined by the BoD to ensure an odd number of votes are always on the board to prevent ties occurring.
All board members will be required to attend ANU-ABA Board meetings, maintain communications with the ANU-ABA Board throughout the year, serve on ANU-ABA committees, and assist with the operations of the Association. Additional duties of the Officers shall be as specified in the bylaws listed herein. -
In the event of death, incapacity, resignation, or election of any of these officers to different office positions (e.g., member-at-large to president), the ANU-ABA Board shall, by majority vote, elect a successor to serve in the committee member’s empty position until the next election cycle is completed. This successor may be an organizational member or an existing board member who is scheduled to rotate off the board who may be appointed and have their term extended. -
Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality:
ANU-ABA board members must not engage in conflicts of interest that could potentially damage the association or affect decision-making of issues regarding the association. Board members must report any potential conflicts of interest each year and engaging in a conflict of interest may result in termination of board duties. Additionally, all board members must adhere to strict confidentiality regarding board meetings and association business, unless otherwise described by the Board. -
With approval of the Board, board members may borrow money and incur indebtedness for the purposes of this association and to cause to be executed and delivered therefore, in the association name, promissory notes, bonds, debentures, deeds of trust, mortgages, pledges, hypothecations, or other evidences of debt and securities therefore.
The Board, except as the Bylaws otherwise provide, may authorize any director or directors, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of this corporation. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Unless so authorized by these Bylaws or the Board, and except as in this Section herein above provided, no director, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind this corporation by any contract or agreement, or to pledge its credit, or to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. -
All board members, former board members, and board members-elect, or any person who may have served at the request of the Association, shall be indemnified against legal liability and from expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which such person is made a party by reason of being, or having been, such board member or person, except in relation to matters as to which such person shall be adjudged in such action, suit, or proceeding, to be liable for intentional misconduct in the performance of duty. Furthermore, all board members, former board members, and board members-elect, or any person who may serve or have served at the request of the Association shall be indemnified from legal liability from any of the actions of any member of the Association purporting to act for the Association, acting without its official approval or recognition, or who improperly uses the property of the Association.
Article VI—Duties of ANU-ABA Committees
For the betterment of the association, ANU-ABA members and board members will or may serve on various ad-hoc (i.e., special) and standing committees to help fulfill ANU-ABA’s mission and purpose. Examples of possible ANU-ABA committees that may be formed are provided in these bylaws and additional ad-hoc committees may be established by the majority vote of the ANU-ABA Board. The Chairperson of a committee will be appointed by the ANU-ABA Board and the Chair will appoint other members in good standing as deemed appropriate or any created committees.
Legislation and Public Policy:
The primary purpose of this committee is to work with state legislators and agency staff on issues regarding the practice of behavior analysis relevant to ANU-ABA’s mission. -
The mission of the Marketing committee is to develop and implement plans to promote visibility of behavior analysis with and by Autistic and Neurodiverse providers. -
Local Chapters:
The purpose of this committee is to promote the development of local ANU-ABA chapters and provide support to existing chapters. -
Continuing Education:
The purpose of this committee is to coordinate with continuing education granting agencies so that continuing education credits are offered by autistic and neurodiverse trainers. -
The purpose of the awards committee is to recognize individuals who have contributed to the field of behavior analysis application, implementation and research involving ANU-ABA’s mission or principles.